

Die Zeitschriftenartikel von Lieselotte Ahnert ……

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Ahnert, L. (2022). Väter in den Frühen Hilfen – Anregungen aus der europäischen und internationalen Väterforschung. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 6, 500–516. 

Ahnert, L., Eckstein-Madry, T., Datler, W., Deichmann, F., & Piskernik, B. (2022). Stress during transition from home to public childcare. Journal of Applied Developmental Science

Teufl, L. & Ahnert, L. (2022). Parent-child play and parent-child relationships: Are fathers special? Journal of Family Psychology, 36, 416–426. 

Ahnert, L., Eckstein-Madry, T., Piskernik, B., Porges, S., & Lamb, M. E. (2021). Infants’ stress response and protest behavior at child care entry and the role of care providers. Developmental Psychobiology, 63, e22156. 

Ahnert, L., Deichmann, F., Bauer, M., Supper, B., & Piskernik, B. (2021). Fathering behaviors, engagement and attachment in paternal care predict testosterone and cortisol. Developmental Psychobiology, 63, e22149. 

Deichmann, F. & Ahnert, L. (2021). The terrible twos: How children cope with frustration and tantrums and parents attempt to support them. Infancy, 26, 469–493. 

Ahnert, L. & Keller, H. (2020). Die Bindungstheorie in der Frühpädagogik – ein Streitgespräch. Frühe Kindheit, 3, 44–53. 

Ahnert, L. & Schoppe-Sullivan, S. (2020). Fathers from an attachment perspective. Special Issue for Attachment and Human Development, 22, 1–3. 

Eckstein-Madry, T., Piskernik, B., & Ahnert, L. (2020). Deficits in attachments and stress regulation of socioeconomically disadvantaged children: Can public child care compensate? Infant Mental Health Journal, 42, 839-850. 

Teufl, L., Deichmann, F., Supper, B. & Ahnert, L. (2020). How fathers’ attachment security and education contribute to early child language skills above and beyond mothers: Parent-child conversation under scrutiny. Attachment and Human Development, 22, 71–84. 

Piskernik, B., & Ruiz, N. (2018). Measurement, structural, and functional invariance of parent-child play quality coding across multiple games and parent gender. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17, 156-164. 

Ruiz, N., Witting, A., Piskernik, B., Supper, B., & Ahnert, L. (2020). Reflective functioning in fathers with children born preterm and at term. Attachment and Human Development, 22, 32–45. 

Piskernik, B., & Ahnert, L. (2019). What does it mean when fathers are involved in parenting? Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 84, 64–78. 

Piskernik, B., Supper, B., & Ahnert, L. (2018). Measurement invariance analysis of the Parental Stress Index. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 35, 771-778. 

Witting, A., Ruiz, N., Fuiko, R., & Ahnert, L. (2019). Mütterliches Gatekeeping in Familien mit frühgeborenen Kindern. Frühförderung Interdisziplinär, 38, 15–25. 

Ruiz, N., Piskernik, B., Witting, A., Fuiko, R., & Ahnert, L. (2018). Parent-child attachment in children born preterm and full-term: A multigroup analysis. PLoS ONE, 13, e0202972. 

Ahnert, L., Teufl, L., Ruiz, N., Piskernik, B., Supper, B., Remiorz, S., Gesing, A., & Nowacki, K. (2017). Father-child play during the preschool years and child internalizing behaviors: Between robustness and vulnerability. Journal of Infant Mental Health, 38, 1–13. 

Yang, P.-J., Lamb, M. E., Kappler, G. & Ahnert, L. (2017). Children’s diurnal cortisol activity during the first year of school. Applied Developmental Science, 21, 30–41. 

Ahnert, L., (2016). Sensitivity in teachers’ interaction processes is central to the improvement of teacher-child relationships: Commentary on “Formations of attachment relationships towards teachers lead to conclusions for public child care”. International Journal of Developmental Science, 10, 111–113. 

Ahnert, L. (2016). New Insights into current attachment research. Special Issue for International Journal of Developmental Science, 10, 85–87. 

Eckstein-Madry, T. & Ahnert, L. (2016). Kinder aus sozial benachteiligten Familien: Wie Bindungsdefizite und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten durch KiTa-Betreuung beeinflusst werden. Familiendynamik, 4, 304-311. 

Witting, A., Ruiz, N., & Ahnert, L. (2016). Variations in early attachment mechanisms contribute to attachment quality: Case studies including babies born preterm. International Journal of Developmental Science, 10, 85-93. 

Ahnert, L., Supper, B. & CENOF (2014). Father-child attachment as central to the CENOF Research Study. Attachment and Complex Systems (Attaccamento e Sistemi Complessi), 1, 33-42. 

Harwardt-Heinecke, E., Milatz, A. & Ahnert, L. (2014). Die Herausbildung des Leistungsprofils nach Schuleintritt: Zusammenhänge zur Beziehungsqualität zwischen Schüler- und Lehrer/inne/n. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 4, 267–280. 

Milatz, A., Gluer, M., Harwardt-Heinecke, E., & Ahnert, L. (2014). The Student-Teacher Relationship Scale revisited: Testing factorial structure, measurement invariance and validity criteria in German-speaking samples. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29, 357–368. 

Ahnert, L., Milatz, A., Kappler, G., Schneiderwind, J. & Fischer, R. (2013). The impact of teacher-child relationships on child cognitive performance as explored by a priming paradigm. Developmental Psychology, 49, 554-567. 

Harwardt-Heinecke, E. & Ahnert, L. (2013). Bindungserfahrungen in Kindergarten und Schule in ihrer Wirkung auf die Schulbewährung. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 6, 817-825. 

Ahnert, L., Harwardt-Heinecke, E., Kappler G., Eckstein-Madry, T., & Milatz, A. (2012). Student–teacher relationships and classroom climate in first grade: how do they relate to students’ stress regulation? Attachment & Human Development, 14, 249–263. 

Pinquart, M., Feußner, C. & Ahnert, L. (2012). Metaanalytic evidence for stability in attachments from infancy to early adulthood. Attachment and Human Development, 14, 1–30. 

Ahnert, L. (2009). Von der Mutter-Kind-Bindung zur Erzieherin-Kind-Beziehung? Theorie und Praxis der Sozialpädagogik, 3, 4-8. 

Ahnert, L. (2009). Öffentliche Kleinkindbetreuung auf dem Prüfstand entwicklungspsychologischer Forschung: Risiken und Chancen für das Kindeswohl. undKinder, 83, 13-18. 

Ahnert, L. (2009). Chancen und Risiken früher Tagesbetreuung. Frühe Kindheit, 6, 10-17. 

Ahnert, L. (2009). Early peer interaction in group care as related to infant-mother and infant–care provider attachments. European Journal of Developmental Science (Special Issue), 3, 408-420. 

Friedlmeier, W. & Ahnert, L. (2009). Peer relations in early childhood contexts. European Journal of Developmental Science (Special Issue), 3, 321-324. 

Ahnert, L. & Harwardt, E. (2008). Beziehungserfahrungen der Vorschulzeit und ihre Bedeutung für den Schuleintritt. Empirische Pädagogik, 22, 145-159. 

Ahnert, L. (2007). Herausforderungen und Risiken in der frühen Bildungsvermittlung. Frühförderung Interdisziplinär, 2, 58–65. 

Ahnert, L. (2006). Die Anfänge der frühen Bildungskarriere: Familiäre und institutionelle Perspektiven. Frühe Kindheit, 6, 18–23. 

Ahnert, L., Pinquart, M., & Lamb, M. E. (2006). Security of children’s relationships with nonparental care providers: A meta-analysis. Child Development, 77, 664–679. 

Ahnert, L. (2004). Frühstart Bildung: Psychologische Erfordernisse in der Tagesbetreuung unter Dreijähriger. Frühe Kindheit, 5. 

Ahnert, L. (2004). Bindungsbeziehungen in der außerfamiliären Tagesbetreuung. undKinder, 74, 79–95. 

Ahnert, L., Gunnar, M., Lamb, M. E., & Barthel, M. (2004). Transition to child care: Associations of infant-mother attachment, infant negative emotion and cortisol elevations. Child Development, 75, 639–650. 

Ahnert, L. (2003). Frühe Kindheit: Bindungs- und Bildungsgrundlagen. Frühe Kindheit, 5, 8–12. 

Ahnert, L., & Lamb, M. E. (2003). Shared care: Establishing a balance between home and child care. Child Development, 74, 1044–1049. 

Ahnert, L. (2002). Frühe Tagesbetreuung & Eltern-Kind-Beziehung. Frühe Kindheit, 2, 4–8. 

Ahnert, L., & Lamb, M. E. (2001). The East German Child Care System: Associations with Caretaking and Caretaking Beliefs, Children’s Early Attachment and Adjustment. American Behavioral Scientist, 44, 1843–1863. 

Ahnert, L., Lamb, M. E., & Seltenheim, K. (2000). Infant-careprovider attachments in contrasting German child care settings I: Group-oriented Care before German Reunification. Infant Behavior and Development, 23, 197–209. 

Ahnert, L. & Lamb, M. E. (2000). Infant-careprovider attachments in contrasting German child care settings II: Individual-oriented Care after German Reunification. Infant Behavior and Development, 23, 211–222. 

Ahnert, L. & Rickert, H. (2000). Belastungsreaktionen bei beginnender Tagesbetreuung aus der Sicht früher Mutter-Kind-Bindung. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 47, 187–200. 

Ahnert, L., Rickert, H. & Lamb, M. E. (2000). Shared caregiving: Comparison between home and child care. Developmental Psychology, 36, 339–351. 



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